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Showing posts from April, 2017


The  early history of aviation  featured a bunch of fascinating ideas about how to get a craft airborne, but ultimately, it would be the Wright brothers’ design that would go on to inform most subsequent flying machines. That said, this doesn’t mean that a plane with two conventional wings is the only way to put something in the sky. There are plenty of ways to make that happen, and as YouTuber  PeterSripol  demonstrated, one of those methods involves a pair of KFC buckets ( via  Sploid ). The video above documents the process start to finish, and it begins by going to KFC and convincing the teenage employee to snag them a couple of fresh buckets. Once that was settled, he went about creating his craft out of some foam core board, some mechanical components, and, of course, the buckets. After one failed attempt, the design was revised, and sure enough, they ended up with a craft more than capable of taking a controlled flight. The reason this works is because of something cal

Nikola Tesla And His Secret UFO Files

o ne of the most prolific inventors of mankind was Nikola Tesla. Since his youth, the scientist has built invention which neither today can not be accepted in full by specialists. In this article, we chose to present one of the most mysterious and enigmatic inventions Tesla brand. It's about "first flying saucer" as he called when the illustrious inventor patented his invention. This event happened early last century, almost 100 years ago when he founded Tesla and a tower that was supposed to deliver wireless power.  UFO's Tesla is based  on principles which we might call strange.                                        He is nothing more than a type, that can not leave the atmosphere because it has no propulsion system of its own but is connected to the wireless tower that exudes energy. Furthermore, the  navigation system is  extremely complex because it is composed of a capacitor conchoidal large enough that provide traction and other capacitors underlying direct